Polished Large Ram's Horn Shofar

Catalog: WIN070

Regular Price: $168.00

On Sale for $126.00

4 left in stock.

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*Please note that no two shofars are alike. The photo is shown as an example. Color, shape and exact size will vary.

The Shofar is the ritual instrument of the ancient and modern Hebrews, the only Hebrew cultural instrument to have survived until now. Of martial origin, the shofar was a priestly instrument in Biblical times. According to the Mishna, two different forms of shofar were used in the Temple. One made of ibex horn, its bell ornamented with gold, was sounded at New Year and during the Yovel Days. The other one, made of ram's horn, with silver ornamentation, was sounded on fast days. Made of a ram's horn. 16"-17" Measured on the outside curve.

Model: WIN070
Manufacturer: LARK IN THE AM