Sonor Primary Line Tenor-Alto Chime Bars - Metallophone

Catalog: KSP40M

Chime Bars


Arrange Tones to Suit Your Preference!

SONOR chime bars offer almost unlimited flexibility.

The sequence can be arranged or grouped completely to individual requirements.


Primary chime bars have a diatonic range of 4 octaves from c to c4.

They are very popular in early music education and elementary music education.

Chime Bars - Metallophone

item no. 27851101
product KSP 40 M 1 DE
tonal range c1 to c3
number of bars 19
tones c1, d1, e1, f1, f-sharp1, g1, a1, b-flat1, b1, c2, d2, e2, f2, f-sharp2, g2, a2, b-flat2, b2, c3
scale C major scale
sound bar material metal, specially alloyed
sound bar color silver
sound bar width 35 mm
sound bars thickness 5 mm
tuning fundamental tuning
resonator box each tone made of shock-resistant RESOPHEN, white
mallets 1 pairs SCH 5 (not included)
type tenor alto
version German model
series Primary
unit 1 set
master carton 1 piece

Specify note names when ordering.



Model: KSP40M
Manufacturer: Sonor